Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Monty's Writings

I've been writing for a long time. There have been successful technical books, and unsuccessful plays and novels. This blog will display some work I hope may be of interest to my friends, or to anyone.

Math Newsletter
First, for 10 1/2 years I published a humorous math newsletter. I have converted all 64 issues into an e-book, and you can see a sample, and buy a copy, at my web site The Historical, Humorous Math Newspaper

Math Poetry
Each issue of the Gnews contained some poetry, generally connected to math in some way. Mostly the poetry is limericks and clerihews. A collection of these verses will be found at Humorous Math Poetry

Gnarly Gnenglish
Second, I recently started a new free newsletter aimed at teaching English to young people. As with the old Math newsletter, every other issue takes place in the past. And I try to teach grammar, and to explain how to write well. You can see the current issue, and subscribe (for free) by clicking

Poems, Songs, and Valentines
Third, I reluctantly admit that I am an amateur poet and songwriter.
To see what I mean, click here.

"How are you?"
Fourth, I am a senior citizen and frequently am asked "How are you?" Over time, I've devised answers to that question. If you'd like to see the answers, and perhaps contribute one yourself,
just click here.

Fifth I once spent four or five years writing plays. I finished more than a dozen, and submitted them to every playwriting contest I could find. As a result, I have a very large collection of rejection slips. Two of the plays are one-acts, and you can click on their names to read them.
Stella, a Stove
Astra the Pythia

Sixth and last, some years ago I invented a bookmark which marks the position on the page where you left off reading. You can download and print free copies of this bookmark by clicking here.

My wife, Melinda, passed away in 2009. We had been married for 35 years, and she was only 65. After her death I wrote two songs for her, and in addition many friends wrote to her before she died and about her afterwords. You can see these words of love here.

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